Posted by: Sarah | February 10, 2012

Thursday–Errr– #FridayReads Tea Party

It’s Friday and my tea parties are technically supposed to be on Thursdays. However, I have been Mrs. Cah-razy-pants this week so I hope y’all forgive me for the late post. My mommacita flew into El Paso to visit me for a couple days. Nothing does you like a little momma love. So she’s here now, sitting beside me as I virtual tea party. Gilly is getting the royal snuggle treatment from his grandmama. She’s spoiling him so rotten, he may never be satisfied with my simple head nuzzles again. But that’s what grandmamas are for, right. Mine does the same to me and I love her for it.

It being Friday, I thought I’d make this a #FridayReads Tea Party. A little shoutout to the Friday Reads gang. If you don’t know, click here and get familiar. I adore the fine literati who created this program. It’s such a great way for readers to connect and share their “right now” reading. So what is my #FridayReads?

I hope I don’t disappoint by saying it is not a book but a heap of blank Valentine cards I intend to pen as soon as I get a free hour. Yes, yes, many view Valentine’s Day as a big “Hallmark” holiday and perhaps they’re right. But Hallmark = words on paper, and I love words on paper! So I’m partial to enjoying the sending and receiving of these single page booklets (i.e. cards). The very first “book” I ever penned at the age of five was of a similar style.

A quick THE BAKER’S DAUGHTER reading roundup:

“This is my first ‘favorite’ read of the year. Great character development, picturesque historical descriptions, and skillful balancing of past and present are gracefully woven together like a cozy afghan that I wanted wrap myself in for extended periods of time.”
– Heather Schmitt-González Girlichef

The Baker’s Daughter is, hands-down, the best book I’ve read so far this year, and I am confident that it will be on my ‘best of’ list for 2012… a perfectly crafted novel…”
Anna HornerDiary of an Eccentric

“The story in turns melted my heart and broke it… McCoy adds her beautiful and gentle prose to make it seem almost like a love song.”
–Sandy NawrotYou GOTTA Read This!

“…will go down as my favorites of the year and it’s not even the middle of February. The latest terrific novel that I’ve completed is The Baker’s Daughter by Sarah McCoy… an outstanding book club discussion…The Baker’s Daughter is sure to be huge… It’s a wonderful story with wonderful characters and it’s not to be missed!”
Julie Peterson, Booking Mama

The Baker’s Daughter is vividly written and highly entertaining; I couldn’t put it down…Whether you read this for a book club or just for your own pleasure,The Baker’s Daughter offers plenty for you to munch on.”
MelissaThe Feminist Texan Reads

The Tea:
Tea Forté’s Orchid Vanilla. A black tea with a vanilla and coconut blend. I received this incredibly generous gift from a reader/writer friend so it is my tea of choice today. I’m continually astounded by the unexpected kindness of people I’ve never even met. I am blessed to know you, Ms. HS. Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And may I add, thank you. My mommacita is a coconut fanatic. (She is 100% Puerto Rico, hello.) So she’s threatening to steal the canister and run off to Virginia with it.

Sarah’s Sipping Summary:
Given that my Valentine writing and reading is a tribute to old-school ways of saying, “You’re on my Mind” and “I care about you,” I believe this cuppa vanilla coconut from a distant but dear friend conveys those sentiments to perfection. 

Next Thursday, I’ll be at A Real Bookstore in Dallas touring for The Baker’s Daughter! I hope all you Dallas readers come out to the event. Perhaps we’ll even find time for a brew and sip together. Take a look at my schedule of city stops: I may be coming to yours soon! 

Yours truly, Sarah


  1. I got a sample box of Tea Forte teas and the Orchid Vanilla was definitely my favorite. I need a whole bunch of that one!

  2. Oh, Sarah… Loved that you put my fur babies in the post (they’re still sniffing around THE BAKER’S DAUGHTER… Maybe it’s the bread?)… Ironically, my momma is here, too, visiting for two weeks from Pennsylvania. Agree wholeheartedly that mama time is so precious!

    And your reviews …OH. MY. GOODNESS. They are so lovely (and are seriously tempting me into NOT finishing the book I’m halfway through). But, alas, I am enjoying my current read. I just MAY need to speed read, now :-)! Can’t wait to dig in, m’dear.

  3. Lovely tea, and I love the idea of Valentine’s cards!! I should have picked some up, and caught up on my letter writing goals for the year…ha ha.
    Enjoy your momma…time goes too fast!

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